• 7 Self-Tanner Mistakes and How to Fix Them

    7 Self-Tanner Mistakes and How to Fix Them

    By now, we're well aware of the importance of wearing sunscreen to minimize our exposure to UV rays, but we still want that glow that comes from a weekend frolicking in the crystal blue ocean. To the delight of dermatologists everywhere, fake tanning has replaced real tanning over the years - but sunless tanning can be a little harder to perfect. Follow these pro tips to ensure that your next self-tanning experience goes off without a hitch.

    1. Don't exfoliate first

    Exfoliation buffs away any remaining dead skin cells and accomplishes three things. First, it leaves the skin softer and more vibrant. Second, it provides an even, clean surface for self-tanning products to adhere to, which leads to fewer streaks and flecks. Thirdly, it ensures that your fake tan lasts longer.

    2. Application of fake tanner on unbalanced skin

    The natural pH level of the skin should be about 5.5. This is slightly acidic and ideal for the development of self-tanning. A balanced pH level not only makes the tan look more natural, but it also helps the tan last longer and fade more evenly, she says. Before self-tanning, use a pH-balanced body wash or primer and stay away from solid soaps altogether. Glossier's Body Hero Daily Oil Wash ($18, glassier.com) is a great option.

    3. Forget about washing off deodorant first.

    Wearing deodorant when applying sunless tanning is a potential recipe for green skin. Yes, green! The aluminum in most antiperspirants reacts with the tanning active ingredients in self-tanning to turn the skin green, says Kirkham. When applying self-tanning, make sure you're not wearing deodorant. Also, do not wipe it off with makeup or wipes. You may also react to self-tanning. If you do get a case of the green hole, Kirkham says it should be washed off in your first shower.

    4. Do not bend your knuckles, elbows or knees

    You never know how many wrinkles you have on your body until you apply sunless tanning and then wake up to lots of white lines. If the self-tanning product can't get into the grooves around the knuckles (and other wrinkles), it will leave thin white lines where the tan missed the skin, Kirkham says.

    When applying self-tanning, bend and flex all wrinkle-prone areas to ensure that the product hits every part of the skin. Kirkham also recommends using an applicator mitt, such as this one from Minetan, which is designed to help apply the product evenly and ensures that there is no excessive buildup on the hands.

    5. Forget about wiping off excess from dry spots.

    In addition to hands, products tend to build up on dry areas of the body like knees, ankles, feet, and elbows. Gently wipe off any excess product in these areas to prevent self-tanning dark spots. Wiping off these areas with a clean mitt is recommended, even if the excess does not look

    6. Not properly cleaned after application

    Some people will complain about streaks on their legs, usually after the first shower after applying self-tanning, Kirkham says. The streaks are often due to the bronzer commonly found in self-tanning not washing off properly. If you notice these streaks, go back to the shower and gently buff the area away with your hands.

    When showering for the first time after applying self-tanning, Kirkham recommends using lukewarm water and avoiding soaps, shower gels, or scrubs. Just rinse the bronzer off with water.

    7. Panic about stubborn streaks

    In the world of sunless tanning, you can rest assured that there are products out there that can help you get rid of unwanted streaks and blackheads. The first step is St. TropezBuild Up Remover Mitt , which is designed to physically exfoliate streaks. You can also use a body scrub or oil-rich product (even something as simple as coconut oil) to break up the streaks.